Source code for

import numpy
from numba import jit

from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer, QuantileTransformer

from import ImageTransformBase
from aydin.util.log.log import lsection, lprint

[docs]class VarianceStabilisationTransform(ImageTransformBase): """Variance Stabilization Transform (VST) and other range compression functions. Applies either the Yeo-Johnson, Box-Cox, Anscomb or some other VST transform to the image. Variance stabilization turns an image with Poisson or in general non-Gaussian noise into an image with approximately Gaussian noise, which often facilitates denoising. Also, in general for images with very skewed histograms with for example dark regions of large extent and only a few very bright regions, it is often beneficial to apply a sqrt or log transformation before denoising. """ preprocess_description = ( "Apply transform" + ImageTransformBase.preprocess_description ) postprocess_description = ( "Undo transform" + ImageTransformBase.postprocess_description ) postprocess_supported = True postprocess_recommended = True def __init__( self, mode: str = 'anscomb', leave_as_float: bool = True, priority: float = 0.11, **kwargs, ): """ Constructs a Variance Stabilisation Transform Parameters ---------- mode : str Variance stabilisation mode: 'yeo-johnson', 'box-cox', 'quantile', 'anscomb', 'log', 'sqrt' and 'identity'. Our tests show that Anscomb seems to work best for typical microscopy images. However, your mileage may vary. Images with strong contrast and very little noise might not need variance stabilisation, but could still benefit from value compression (log or sqrt). The advantage of the Yeo-Johnson and Box-Cox transforms is that they are adaptive, the transform is adjusted to match the input distribution. leave_as_float : bool Does not attempt to cast back to original non-flloat data type (8, 16, 32 bit integer), but instead leaves as 32 bit float. priority : float The priority is a value within [0,1] used to determine the order in which to apply the pre- and post-processing transforms. Transforms are sorted and applied in ascending order during preprocesing and in the reverse, descending, order during post-processing. """ super().__init__(priority=priority, **kwargs) self.mode = mode self.leave_as_float = leave_as_float self._original_dtype = None self._min = None self._max = None self._transform: TransformerMixin = None lprint(f"Instanciating: {self}") # We exclude certain fields from saving: def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state['_original_dtype'] del state['_min'] del state['_max'] del state['_transform'] return state def __str__(self): return f'{type(self).__name__}' f' (mode={self.mode})' def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def preprocess(self, array: ArrayLike): with lsection( f"Stabilising variance ({self.mode}) for array of shape: {array.shape} and dtype: {array.dtype}" ): # Let's ensure we are working with floats: self._original_dtype = array.dtype array = array.astype(numpy.float32, copy=False) if self.mode == 'identity': new_array = array.copy() elif self.mode == 'sqrt': min_value = array.min() new_array = _f_sqrt(array, min_value) self._min_value = min_value elif self.mode == 'log': min_value = array.min() new_array = _f_log(array, min_value) self._min_value = min_value elif self.mode == 'anscomb': min_value = array.min() new_array = _f_anscomb(array, min_value) self._min_value = min_value elif self.mode == 'yeo-johnson' or self.mode == 'box-cox': # If the image has negative values, or too small variance, we fallback to yeo-johnson: mode = ( 'yeo-johnson' if array.min() < 0 or numpy.var(numpy.log1p(array.ravel())) < 1e-6 else self.mode ) lprint(f"Actual mode used: {mode} ") # We prepare array to make it compatible to sklearn API and save shape: shape = array.shape array = array.ravel()[:, numpy.newaxis] try: # Instantiate sklearn power transform: power_transform = PowerTransformer(method=mode, standardize=True) numpy.seterr(all='raise') # Fit tranform: except (Warning, FloatingPointError): lprint( f"VST {mode} failed for some numerical reasons, falling back to yeo-johnson." ) mode = 'yeo-johnson' # Instantiate sklearn power transform: power_transform = PowerTransformer(method=mode, standardize=True) # Fit tranform: # Apply transform: new_array = power_transform.transform(array) # Reshape array: new_array = numpy.reshape(new_array, newshape=shape) # Save transform: self._transform = power_transform elif self.mode == 'quantile': # We prepare array to make it compatible to sklearn API and save shape: shape = array.shape array = array.ravel()[:, numpy.newaxis] # Instantiate sklearn quantile transform: power_transform = QuantileTransformer( n_quantiles=1024, output_distribution='normal' ) # Fit tranform: # Apply transform: new_array = power_transform.transform(array) # Reshape array: new_array = numpy.reshape(new_array, newshape=shape) # Save transform: self._transform = power_transform else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported or incompatible VST mode: {self.mode}") return new_array def postprocess(self, array: ArrayLike): if not self.do_postprocess: return array with lsection( f"Applying inverse variance stabilisation transform ({self.mode}) for array of shape: {array.shape} and dtype: {array.dtype}" ): if self.mode == 'identity': new_array = array.copy() elif self.mode == 'sqrt': new_array = _i_sqrt(array, self._min_value) elif self.mode == 'log': new_array = _i_log(array, self._min_value) elif self.mode == 'anscomb': new_array = _i_anscomb(array, self._min_value) elif ( self.mode == 'yeo-johnson' or self.mode == 'box-cox' or self.mode == 'quantile' ): # We prepare array to make it compatible to sklearn API and save shape: shape = array.shape array = array.ravel()[:, numpy.newaxis] # Apply inverse transform: new_array = self._transform.inverse_transform(array) # Reshape array: new_array = numpy.reshape(new_array, newshape=shape) # reset transform: self._transform = None else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported VST mode: {self.mode}") if not self.leave_as_float: # convert back to original dtype: new_array = new_array.astype(dtype=self._original_dtype, copy=False) return new_array
@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, error_model='numpy') def _f_sqrt(image, min_value): return numpy.sqrt(image - min_value) @jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, error_model='numpy') def _i_sqrt(image, min_value): return image ** _F(2) + min_value @jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, error_model='numpy') def _f_log(image, min_value): return numpy.log1p(image - min_value) @jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, error_model='numpy') def _i_log(image, min_value): return numpy.exp(image) - _F(1) + min_value @jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, error_model='numpy') def _f_anscomb(image, min_value): return _F(2) * numpy.sqrt(image - min_value + _F(0.375)) @jit(nopython=True, parallel=True, error_model='numpy') def _i_anscomb(image, min_value): return (image / _F(2)) ** _F(2) + min_value - _F(0.375) @jit(nopython=True, error_model='numpy') def _F(x): return numpy.asarray(x, dtype=numpy.float32)