Source code for

from typing import Optional, List, Tuple

import numpy
from numba import jit
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter, uniform_filter

from import _defaults

__fastmath = {'contract', 'afn', 'reassoc'}
__error_model = 'numpy'

[docs]def calibrate_denoise_lipschitz( image: ArrayLike, lipschitz: float = 0.1, percentile: float = 0.001, alpha: float = 0.1, max_num_iterations: int = _defaults.default_max_evals_normal.value, blind_spots: Optional[List[Tuple[int]]] = _defaults.default_blind_spots.value, **other_fixed_parameters, ): """ Calibrates the Lipschitz denoiser for the given image and returns the optimal parameters obtained using the N2S loss. Parameters ---------- image: ArrayLike Image to calibrate Sobolev denoiser for. lipschitz : float Increase to tolerate more variation, decrease to be more aggressive in removing salt & pepper noise. percentile : float Percentile value used to determine the threshold for choosing the worst offending voxels per iteration. (advanced) alpha : float This constant controls the amount of correction per iteration. Should be a number within[0, 1]. (advanced) max_num_iterations: int Maximum number of Lipschitz correction iterations to run. (advanced) blind_spots: bool List of voxel coordinates (relative to receptive field center) to be included in the blind-spot. For example, you can give a list of 3 tuples: [(0,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,-1,0)] to extend the blind spot to cover voxels of relative coordinates: (0,0,0),(0,1,0), and (0,-1,0) (advanced) (hidden) other_fixed_parameters: dict Any other fixed parameters. (advanced) Returns ------- Denoising function, dictionary containing optimal parameters, and free memory needed in bytes for computation. """ # Convert image to float if needed: image = image.astype(dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False) # Combine fixed parameters: other_fixed_parameters = other_fixed_parameters | { 'lipschitz': lipschitz, 'percentile': percentile, 'alpha': alpha, 'max_num_iterations': max_num_iterations, } best_parameters = other_fixed_parameters # Memory needed: memory_needed = 3 * image.nbytes # complex numbers and more return denoise_lipschitz, best_parameters, memory_needed
[docs]def denoise_lipschitz( image: ArrayLike, lipschitz: float = 0.05, percentile: float = 0.01, alpha: float = 0.1, max_num_iterations: int = 128, multi_core: bool = True, ): """ Denoises the given image by correcting voxel values that violate <a href="">Lipschitz continuity</a> criterion. These voxels get replaced iteratively replaced by the median. This is repeated for a number of iterations (max_num_iterations), until no more changes to the image occurs, and making sure that the proportion of corrected voxels remains below a given level (max_corrections argument). Parameters ---------- image: ArrayLike Image to be denoised lipschitz : float Increase to tolerate more variation, decrease to be more aggressive in removing impulse/salt&pepper noise. percentile : float Percentile value used to determine the threshold for choosing the worst offending voxels per iteration. (advanced) alpha : float This constant controls the amount of correction per ietartion. Should be a number within[0, 1]. (advanced) max_num_iterations: int Maximum number of Lipschitz correction iterations to run. (advanced) multi_core: bool By default we use as many cores as possible, in some cases, for small (test) images, it might be faster to run on a single core instead of starting the whole parallelization machinery. (advanced) Returns ------- Denoised image """ # Convert image to float if needed: image = image.astype(dtype=numpy.float32, copy=True) # Compute median: median_ref = median_filter(image, size=3) # Wrap compute_error function: wrapped_compute_error = jit(nopython=True, parallel=multi_core)(_compute_error) for i in range(max_num_iterations): # lprint(f"Iteration {i}") # Compute median: median = uniform_filter(image, size=5) # We scale the lipschitz threshold to the image std at '3 sigma' : _lipschitz = lipschitz * 6 * image.std() # We compute the 'error': error = wrapped_compute_error(image, median=median, lipschitz=_lipschitz) # We compute the threshold on the basis of the errors, # we first tackle the most offending voxels: threshold = numpy.percentile(error, q=100 * (1 - percentile)) # We compute the mask: mask = error > threshold # count number of corrections for this round: num_corrections = numpy.sum(mask) # lprint(f"Number of corrections: {num_corrections}") # if no corrections made we stop iterating: if num_corrections == 0: break # We use the median to correct pixels: image[mask] = (alpha) * image[mask] + (1 - alpha) * median_ref[mask] return image
def _compute_error(array, median, lipschitz): # we compute the error map: error = median - array error = numpy.abs(error) error = numpy.maximum(error, lipschitz) error -= lipschitz return error