The configuration is at the heart of ultrack, it is used to define the parameters for each step of the pipeline and where to store the intermediate results. The MainConfig is the main configuration that contains the other configurations of the individual steps plus the data configuration.
The configurations are documented below, the parameters are ordered by importance, most important parameters are at the top of the list. Parameters that should not be changed in most of the cases are at the bottom of the list and contain a SPECIAL
Configuration for intermediate data storage and retrieval. |
Segmentation hypotheses creation configuration |
Candidate cell hypotheses linking configuration |
Tracking (segmentation & linking selection) configuration |
- class ultrack.config.MainConfig¶
- field data_config [Optional] (alias 'data')¶
Configuration for intermediate data storage and retrieval.
- field segmentation_config [Optional] (alias 'segmentation')¶
Segmentation hypotheses creation configuration
- field linking_config [Optional] (alias 'linking')¶
Candidate cell hypotheses linking configuration
- field tracking_config [Optional] (alias 'tracking')¶
Tracking (segmentation & linking selection) configuration
- class ultrack.config.DataConfig¶
Configuration for intermediate data storage and retrieval.
- field n_workers = 1¶
Number of workers for parallel processing
- field working_dir = PosixPath('.')¶
Working directory for auxiliary files (e.g. sqlite database, metadata)
- field database_file_name = 'data.db'¶
Database name, used for sqlite databases, by default: data.db
- field database = 'sqlite'¶
: Database typesqlite
- field address = None¶
: Postgresql database path, for example,postgres@localhost:12345/example
- field in_memory_db_id = 0¶
: Memory database id used to identify the database in memory, must be altered manually if multiple instances are used
- property database_path¶
Returns database path given working directory and database type.
- metadata_add(data)¶
Adds data content to metadata file.
- property metadata¶
Returns metadata as dictionary.
- class ultrack.config.SegmentationConfig¶
Segmentation hypotheses creation configuration
- field min_area = 100¶
Minimum segment number of pixels, regions smaller than this value are merged or removed when there is no neighboring region
- field max_area = 1000000¶
Maximum segment’s number of pixels, regions larger than this value are removed
- field n_workers = 1¶
Number of worker threads
- field min_frontier = 0.0¶
Minimum average frontier value between candidate segmentations, regions sharing an average frontier value lower than this are merged
- field threshold = 0.5¶
Threshold used to binarize the cell foreground map
- field max_noise = 0.0¶
: Upper limit of uniform distribution for additive noise on contour map
- field random_seed = 'frame'¶
: Random seed initialization, if frame the seed is the timelapse frame number
- field ws_hierarchy = <function watershed_hierarchy_by_area>¶
: Watershed hierarchy function from higra used to construct the hierarchy
- field anisotropy_penalization = 0.0¶
: Image graph z-axis penalization, positive values will prioritize segmenting the xy-plane first, negative will do the opposite
- class ultrack.config.LinkingConfig¶
Candidate cell hypotheses linking configuration
- field max_distance = 15.0¶
Maximum distance between neighboring segments
- field n_workers = 1¶
Number of worker threads
- field max_neighbors = 5¶
Maximum number of neighbors per candidate segment
- field distance_weight = 0.0¶
Penalization weight \(\gamma\) for distance between segment centroids, \(w_{pq} - \gamma \|c_p - c_q\|_2\), where \(c_p\) is region \(p\) center of mass
- field z_score_threshold = 5.0¶
: z-score threshold between intensity values from within the segmentation masks of neighboring segments
- class ultrack.config.TrackingConfig¶
Tracking (segmentation & linking selection) configuration
- field solver_name = ''¶
Constrained optimization solver name.
GUROBI: Commercial solver, requires license, see Gurobi setup for extra information.
CBC: Open-source solver, slower, uses more memory than Gurobi and harder to install on Window.
“”: Use default solver, GUROBI if available, otherwise CBC.
- field appear_weight = -0.001¶
Penalization weight for appearing cell, should be negative
- field disappear_weight = -0.001¶
Penalization for disappearing cell, should be negative
- field division_weight = -0.001¶
Penalization for dividing cell, should be negative
- field image_border_size = None¶
Image border size in pixels (Z,Y,X) to avoid tracking cells within this border. If cells are within the border they not penalized when appearing or disappearing
- field n_threads = -1¶
Number of worker threads
- field window_size = None¶
Time window size for partially solving the tracking ILP. By default it solves the entire timelapse at once. Useful for large datasets.
- field overlap_size = 1¶
Number of frames used to shared (overlap/pad) each size when
is set. This improves the tracking quality at the edges of the windows and enforce continuity of the tracks.
- field solution_gap = 0.001¶
Solver solution gap. This will speed up the solver when finding the optimal solution might taken a long time, but may affect the quality of the solution.
- field time_limit = 36000¶
Solver execution time limit in seconds
- field link_function = 'power'¶
: Function used to transform the edge and node weights, identity or power
- field power = 4¶
: Expoent \(\eta\) of power transform, \(w_{pq}^\eta\)
- field bias = -0.0¶
: Edge weights bias \(b\), \(w_{pq} + b\), should be negative