Source code for

import random
from os.path import join
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple

from deprecated import deprecated
import keras.models
import numpy
from tensorflow.python.eager.context import device

from import get_temp_folder
from import ImageTranslatorBase
from import JINetModel
from import UNetModel
from import tile_target_images, tile_input_images
from import (
from import (
from import random_sample_patches
from aydin.util.log.log import lsection, lprint
from import get_best_device_name

[docs]@deprecated( "All the Tensorflow related code and dependencies are deprecated and will be removed by v0.1.16" ) class ImageTranslatorCNN(ImageTranslatorBase): """ Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based Image Translator<br> """ verbose = 0 def __init__( self, training_architecture: str = 'random', model_architecture: str = 'jinet', batch_size: int = 32, nb_unet_levels: int = 3, batch_norm: str = "instance", activation: str = 'ReLU', patch_size: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, total_num_patches: int = None, adoption_rate: float = 0.5, mask_size: int = 5, random_mask_ratio: float = 0.1, max_epochs: int = 30, patience: int = 4, learn_rate: float = 0.01, blind_spots: Optional[Union[str, List[Tuple[int]]]] = None, tile_min_margin: int = 8, tile_max_margin: Optional[int] = None, max_memory_usage_ratio: float = 0.9, max_tiling_overhead: float = 0.1, ): """ Parameters ---------- training_architecture : str 'shiftconv' or 'checkerbox' or 'random' or 'checkran' architecture (advanced) model_architecture : str 'unet' or 'jinet' batch_size : int Batch size for training nb_unet_levels : int Number of layers (advanced) batch_norm Type of batch normalization (e.g. batch, instance) (advanced) activation : (advanced) patch_size : int Size for patch sample e.g. 64 for (64, 64) or (64, 64, 64) (advanced) total_num_patches Total number of patches for training (advanced) adoption_rate Percentage of random patches will be used for training, the rest will be discarded mask_size Mask shape for masking architecture; int of the same size as the spatial dimension (advanced) random_mask_ratio Probability of masked pixels in random masking approach (advanced) max_epochs : int Maximum number of epochs allowed patience : int Patience for EarlyStop or ReducedLR to be triggered learn_rate : float Initial learn rate blind_spots : Optional[Union[str,List[Tuple[int]]]] List of voxel coordinates (relative to receptive field center) to be included in the blind-spot. For example, you can enter: '<axis>#<radius>' to extend the blindspot along a given axis by a certain radius. For example, for an image of dimension 3, 'x#1' extends the blind spot to cover voxels of relative coordinates: (0,0,0),(0,1,0), and (0,-1,0). If you want to extend both in x and y, enter: 'x#1,y#1' by comma separating between axis. To specify the axis you can use integer indices, or 'x', 'y', 'z', and 't' (dimension order is tzyx with x being always the last dimension). If None is passed then the blindspots are automatically discovered from the image content. If 'center' is passed then no additional blindspots to the center pixel are considered. If 'center' is passed then only the default single center voxel blind-spot is used. tile_min_margin : int Minimal width of tile margin in voxels. (advanced) tile_max_margin : Optional[int] Maximal width of tile margin in voxels. (advanced) max_memory_usage_ratio : float Maximum allowed memory load, value must be within [0, 1]. Default is 90%. (advanced) max_tiling_overhead : float Maximum allowed margin overhead during tiling. Default is 10%. (advanced) """ super().__init__( blind_spots=blind_spots, tile_min_margin=tile_min_margin, tile_max_margin=tile_max_margin, max_memory_usage_ratio=max_memory_usage_ratio, max_tiling_overhead=max_tiling_overhead, ) self.model_architecture = model_architecture # both self.batch_size = batch_size # both self.batch_norm = batch_norm # both self.activation_fun = activation # both self.patch_size = patch_size # both self.total_num_patches = total_num_patches # both self.adoption_rate = adoption_rate # both self.max_epochs = max_epochs # both self.patience = patience # both self.learn_rate = learn_rate # both self.model = None # a CNN model # both self.infmodel = None # inference model # both self.EStop_patience = self.patience * 2 # both self.ReduceLR_patience = self.patience # both self.checkpoint = None # both self.input_dim = None # both self.stop_fitting = False # both self.validation_images = None # both self.validation_markers = None # both self._create_patches_for_validation = ( False # if false use pixels for validation # both ) self.mask_size = mask_size # unet self.random_mask_ratio = random_mask_ratio # unet self.nb_unet_levels = nb_unet_levels # unet self.training_architecture = training_architecture # unet with lsection("CNN image translator"): lprint("training architecture: ", self.training_architecture) lprint("number of layers: ", self.nb_unet_levels) lprint("batch norm: ", self.batch_norm) lprint("mask size: ", self.mask_size) lprint("max_epochs", self.max_epochs) lprint("verbose: ", self.verbose) @property def model_class(self): if self.model_architecture == "jinet": return JINetModel elif self.model_architecture == "unet": return UNetModel else: raise ValueError("Unknown model architecture")
[docs] def save(self, path: str): """ Saves a 'all-batteries-included' image translation model at a given path (folder). Parameters ---------- path : str path to save to Returns ------- """ with lsection(f"Saving 'CNN' image translator to {path}"): frozen = super().save(path) self.save_cnn(path) return frozen
def save_cnn(self, path: str): if self.model is not None: # serialize model to JSON:, "tf_model")) else: lprint("There is no model to save yet.") if self.infmodel is not None:, "tf_inf_model")) else: lprint("self.infmodel is None, no inference model will be saved.") def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() # exclude fields below that should/cannot be saved properly: del state['early_stopping'] del state['reduce_learning_rate'] del state['checkpoint'] del state['model'] del state['loss_history'] del state['infmodel'] del state['validation_images'] return state def _load_internals(self, path: str): with lsection(f"Loading 'cnn' image translator from {path}"): # load JSON and create model: self.model = keras.models.load_model(join(path, "tf_model")) self.infmodel = keras.models.load_model(join(path, "tf_inf_model"))
[docs] def stop_training(self): """Stops currently running training within the instance by turning the flag true for early stop callback. """ self.stop_fitting = True
def _train( self, input_image, target_image, train_valid_ratio=0.1, callback_period=3, jinv=False, ): with device(get_best_device_name()): # Reshape the input image input_image = numpy.moveaxis(input_image, 1, input_image.ndim - 1) if not self.self_supervised: target_image = numpy.moveaxis(target_image, 1, target_image.ndim - 1) self.spacetime_ndim = input_image.ndim - 2 if self.spacetime_ndim not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError( "Number of spacetime dimensions have to be either 2 or 3." ) self.input_dim = input_image.shape[1:] # batch_size check conditionals for unet and jinet if ( self.model_architecture == "unet" and 'shiftconv' in self.training_architecture ): self.batch_size = 1 lprint( 'When patch_size is assigned under shiftconv architecture, batch_size is automatically set to 1.' ) if self.model_architecture == "jinet" and self.spacetime_ndim == 3: self.batch_size = 1 lprint(f"Batch size for training: {self.batch_size}") # Compute patch size from batch size if self.patch_size is None: self.patch_size = get_ideal_patch_size( self.nb_unet_levels, self.training_architecture ) else: # Check patch_size for unet models with passed patch_size values if 'unet' in self.model_architecture: patch_size = numpy.array(self.patch_size) if (patch_size.max() / (2**self.nb_unet_levels) <= 0).any(): raise ValueError( f'Tile size is too small. The largest dimension of tile size has to be >= {2 ** self.nb_unet_levels}.' ) if (patch_size[-2:] % 2**self.nb_unet_levels != 0).any(): raise ValueError( f'Tile sizes on XY plane have to be multiple of 2^{self.nb_unet_levels}' ) # Adjust patch_size for given input shape if isinstance(self.patch_size, int): self.patch_size = [self.patch_size] * self.spacetime_ndim # Check if the smallest dimension of input data >= patch_size if min(self.patch_size) > min(self.input_dim[:-1]): smallest_dim = min(self.input_dim[:-1]) self.patch_size[numpy.argsort(self.input_dim[:-1])[0]] = ( smallest_dim // 2 * 2 ) # Determine total number of patches if self.total_num_patches is None: self.total_num_patches = min( input_image.size /, 10240 ) # upper limit of num of patches self.total_num_patches = ( self.total_num_patches - (self.total_num_patches % self.batch_size) + self.batch_size ) else: if self.total_num_patches < self.batch_size: raise ValueError( 'total_num_patches has to be larger than batch_size.' ) self.total_num_patches = ( self.total_num_patches - (self.total_num_patches % self.batch_size) + self.batch_size ) # Decide whether to use validation pixels or patches self._create_patches_for_validation = 1024 <= input_image.size / self.patch_size ) # Tile input and target image with lsection('Random patch sampling...'): input_patch_idx = random_sample_patches( input_image, self.patch_size[0], self.total_num_patches, self.adoption_rate, ) self.total_num_patches = len(input_patch_idx) lprint(f'Total number of patches: {self.total_num_patches}') with lsection('Input image...'): ( img_train, self.validation_images, self.validation_markers, ) = tile_input_images( input_image, self._create_patches_for_validation, input_patch_idx, train_valid_ratio, ) with lsection('Target image...'): target_image = tile_target_images( img_train, target_image, input_patch_idx, self.self_supervised ) post_tiling_patch_size_validation( img_train, self.nb_unet_levels, self.training_architecture, self.self_supervised, ) unet_only_model_constructor_kwargs = ( { "mini_batch_size": self.batch_size, "nb_unet_levels": self.nb_unet_levels, "normalization": self.batch_norm, "activation": self.activation_fun, "supervised": not self.self_supervised, "training_architecture": self.training_architecture, } if self.model_architecture == "unet" else {} ) self.model = self.model_class( img_train.shape[1:], spacetime_ndim=self.spacetime_ndim, learning_rate=self.learn_rate, **unet_only_model_constructor_kwargs, ) with lsection('CNN model summary:'): lprint(f'Model architecture: {self.model_architecture}') if self.model_architecture == 'unet': lprint(f'Train scheme: {self.training_architecture}') lprint(f'Number of layers: {self.nb_unet_levels}') lprint( f'Number of parameters in the model: {self.model.count_params()}' ) lprint(f'Batch normalization: {self.batch_norm}') lprint(f'Training input size: {img_train.shape[1:]}') # End of train function and beginning of _train from legacy implementation input_image = img_train with lsection( f"Training image translator from image of shape {input_image.shape} to image of shape {target_image.shape}:" ): if 'jinet' in self.model_architecture: self.EStop_patience = self.EStop_patience + 10 self.ReduceLR_patience = self.ReduceLR_patience + 20 # Early stopping patience: lprint(f"Early stopping patience: {self.EStop_patience}") # Effective LR patience: lprint(f"Effective LR patience: {self.ReduceLR_patience}") lprint(f'Batch size: {self.batch_size}') # Here is the list of callbacks: callbacks = [] # Early stopping callback: self.early_stopping = EarlyStopping( self, patience=self.EStop_patience, restore_best_weights=True ) # Reduce LR on plateau: self.reduce_learning_rate = ReduceLROnPlateau( verbose=1, patience=self.ReduceLR_patience, min_lr=1e-8, min_delta=0 ) self.reduce_learning_rate1 = ReduceLROnPlateau( verbose=1, patience=self.ReduceLR_patience, min_lr=self.learn_rate * 0.01, min_delta=0, ) if self.checkpoint is None: self.model_file_path = join( get_temp_folder(), f"aydin_cnn_keras_model_file_{random.randint(0, 1e16)}.hdf5", ) lprint(f"Model will be saved at: {self.model_file_path}") self.checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint( self.model_file_path, verbose=1, save_best_only=True ) # Add callbacks to the list: callbacks.append(self.checkpoint) callbacks.append(self.early_stopping) callbacks.append(self.reduce_learning_rate) if 'checkran' in self.training_architecture: callbacks.append(self.reduce_learning_rate1) if 'center' in self.blind_spots: self.blind_spots = [] center_pixel_coord = (0,) * self.spacetime_ndim if center_pixel_coord in self.blind_spots: self.blind_spots.remove((0,) * self.spacetime_ndim) if self.spacetime_ndim == 2: stop_center_gradient = StopCenterGradient2D(self.blind_spots) elif self.spacetime_ndim == 3: stop_center_gradient = StopCenterGradient3D(self.blind_spots) callbacks = ( callbacks + [stop_center_gradient] if 'jinet' in self.model_architecture and self.self_supervised else callbacks ) lprint("Training now...") if 'jinet' in self.model_architecture: self.loss_history = input_image=input_image, target_image=target_image, max_epochs=self.max_epochs, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=self.verbose, batch_size=self.batch_size, total_num_patches=self.total_num_patches, img_val=self.validation_images, create_patches_for_validation=self._create_patches_for_validation, train_valid_ratio=train_valid_ratio, ) else: self.loss_history = input_image=input_image, target_image=target_image, max_epochs=self.max_epochs, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=self.verbose, batch_size=self.batch_size, total_num_patches=self.total_num_patches, img_val=self.validation_images, val_marker=self.validation_markers, create_patches_for_validation=self._create_patches_for_validation, train_valid_ratio=train_valid_ratio, random_mask_ratio=self.random_mask_ratio, patch_size=self.patch_size, mask_size=self.mask_size, ReduceLR_patience=self.ReduceLR_patience, ) def _translate(self, input_image, image_slice=None, whole_image_shape=None): with device(get_best_device_name()): # Change dimensions to (B, space, C) input_image = numpy.moveaxis(input_image, 1, input_image.ndim - 1) # Check if padding is needed to have dim size of multiple of 2 in all dimension reshaped_for_cube = False reshaped_for_model = False spatial_shape = numpy.array(input_image.shape[1:-1]) if abs(numpy.diff(spatial_shape)).min() != 0: reshaped_for_cube = True input_shape_max = numpy.ones(spatial_shape.shape) * spatial_shape.max() pad_square = (input_shape_max - spatial_shape) / 2 pad_width1 = ( [[0, 0]] + [ [ numpy.ceil(pad_square[i]).astype(int), numpy.floor(pad_square[i]).astype(int), ] for i in range(len(pad_square)) ] + [[0, 0]] ) input_image = numpy.pad(input_image, pad_width1, 'edge') spatial_shape = numpy.array(input_image.shape[1:-1]) if not (spatial_shape % 2**self.nb_unet_levels == 0).all(): reshaped_for_model = True pad_width0 = ( 2**self.nb_unet_levels - (spatial_shape % 2**self.nb_unet_levels) # + pad_square ) / 2 pad_width2 = ( [[0, 0]] + [ [ numpy.ceil(pad_width0[i]).astype(int), numpy.floor(pad_width0[i]).astype(int), ] for i in range(len(pad_width0)) ] + [[0, 0]] ) input_image = numpy.pad(input_image, pad_width2, 'edge') # Change the batch_size in split layer or input dimensions accordingly kwargs_for_infmodel = { 'spacetime_ndim': self.spacetime_ndim, 'mini_batch_size': 1, 'nb_unet_levels': self.nb_unet_levels, 'normalization': self.batch_norm, 'activation': self.activation_fun, 'training_architecture': self.training_architecture, } if len(input_image.shape[1:-1]) == 2: kwargs_for_infmodel['input_layer_size'] = [ None, None, input_image.shape[-1], ] elif len(input_image.shape[1:-1]) == 3: kwargs_for_infmodel['input_layer_size'] = [ None, None, None, input_image.shape[-1], ] if self.model_architecture == "unet": kwargs_for_infmodel['original_zdim'] = self.patch_size[0] if ( 'random' in self.training_architecture or 'check' in self.training_architecture ): kwargs_for_infmodel['supervised'] = True else: kwargs_for_infmodel['supervised'] = not self.self_supervised if self.infmodel is None: self.infmodel = self.model_class(**kwargs_for_infmodel) self.infmodel.set_weights(self.model.get_weights()) try: output_image = self.infmodel.predict( input_image, batch_size=self.batch_size, verbose=self.verbose ) except Exception: output_image = self.infmodel.predict( input_image, batch_size=1, verbose=self.verbose ) # TODO: AhmetCan refactor if reshaped_for_model: if len(spatial_shape) == 2: output_image = output_image[ :, pad_width2[1][0] : -pad_width2[1][1] or None, pad_width2[2][0] : -pad_width2[2][1] or None, :, ] else: output_image = output_image[ :, pad_width2[1][0] : -pad_width2[1][1] or None, pad_width2[2][0] : -pad_width2[2][1] or None, pad_width2[3][0] : -pad_width2[3][1] or None, :, ] if reshaped_for_cube: if len(spatial_shape) == 2: output_image = output_image[ :, pad_width1[1][0] : -pad_width1[1][1] or None, pad_width1[2][0] : -pad_width1[2][1] or None, :, ] else: output_image = output_image[ :, pad_width1[1][0] : -pad_width1[1][1] or None, pad_width1[2][0] : -pad_width1[2][1] or None, pad_width1[3][0] : -pad_width1[3][1] or None, :, ] output_image = numpy.moveaxis(output_image, output_image.ndim - 1, 1) return output_image