Source code for

from functools import partial
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple

import numpy
import pywt
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from skimage.restoration import denoise_wavelet as skimage_denoise_wavelet

from import _defaults
from aydin.util.crop.rep_crop import representative_crop
from aydin.util.j_invariance.j_invariance import calibrate_denoiser

[docs]def calibrate_denoise_wavelet( image: ArrayLike, all_wavelets: bool = False, wavelet_name_filter: str = '', crop_size_in_voxels: Optional[int] = _defaults.default_crop_size_normal.value, optimiser: str = 'smart', # using smart optimiser is important here! max_num_evaluations: int = _defaults.default_max_evals_normal.value, blind_spots: Optional[List[Tuple[int]]] = _defaults.default_blind_spots.value, jinv_interpolation_mode: str = _defaults.default_jinv_interpolation_mode.value, display_images: bool = False, display_crop: bool = False, **other_fixed_parameters, ): """ Calibrates a <a href=" ">wavelet</a> denoiser for the given image and returns the optimal parameters obtained using the N2S loss. Note: we use the scikit-image implementation of wavelet denoising. Parameters ---------- image: ArrayLike Image to calibrate wavelet denoiser for. all_wavelets: bool If true then all wavelet transforms are tried during calibration, otherwise only a selection that we consider to be the best. Note: trying all transforms can take a long time but might find the magical transform that will make it work for your data. (advanced) wavelet_name_filter: str Comma separated list of wavelet name substrings. We only keep for calibration wavelets which name contains these substrings. Best used when using all transforms as starting list to select a family of wavelets, or to select a specific one by providing its name in full. (advanced) crop_size_in_voxels: int or None for default Number of voxels for crop used to calibrate denoiser. Increase this number by factors of two if denoising quality is unsatisfactory -- this can be important for very noisy images. Values to try are: 65000, 128000, 256000, 320000. We do not recommend values higher than 512000. optimiser: str Optimiser to use for finding the best denoising parameters. Can be: 'smart' (default), or 'fast' for a mix of SHGO followed by L-BFGS-B. (advanced) max_num_evaluations: int Maximum number of evaluations for finding the optimal parameters. Increase this number by factors of two if denoising quality is unsatisfactory. blind_spots: bool List of voxel coordinates (relative to receptive field center) to be included in the blind-spot. For example, you can give a list of 3 tuples: [(0,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,-1,0)] to extend the blind spot to cover voxels of relative coordinates: (0,0,0),(0,1,0), and (0,-1,0) (advanced) (hidden) jinv_interpolation_mode: str J-invariance interpolation mode for masking. Can be: 'median' or 'gaussian'. (advanced) display_images: bool When True the denoised images encountered during optimisation are shown. (advanced) (hidden) display_crop: bool Displays crop, for debugging purposes... (advanced) (hidden) other_fixed_parameters: dict Any other fixed parameters Returns ------- Denoising function and dictionary containing optimal parameters. """ # Convert image to float if needed: image = image.astype(dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False) # obtain representative crop, to speed things up... crop = representative_crop( image, crop_size=crop_size_in_voxels, display_crop=display_crop ) # Sigma range: sigma_range = (1e-9, 1.0) # List of all wavelets: all_wavelets_list = pywt.wavelist() best_wavelets_list = [ 'db1', 'db2', 'haar', 'bior4.4', # same as CDF 9/7 from JPEG 2000 lossy 'bior2.8', # 'sym9', # 'coif1', # 'coif5', # 'dmey', # 'bior2.2', # 'bior3.1', # 'bior3.3', ] # List of wavelets to use: wavelet_list = all_wavelets_list if all_wavelets else best_wavelets_list # we parse the filter list: filters = wavelet_name_filter.split(", ") filters = list(f.lower().strip() for f in filters) # We only keep wavelets that are in the filter: wavelet_list = list(w for w in wavelet_list if any(f in w for f in filters)) # Finally we exclude continuous wavelets that don't work for denoising: continuous_wavelet_list = ['cgau', 'gaus', 'cmor', 'fbsp', 'morl', 'mexh', 'shan'] wavelet_list = list( w for w in wavelet_list if all(f not in w for f in continuous_wavelet_list) ) # If no wavelets remain, we use the best ones as a substitute: if len(wavelet_list) == 0: wavelet_list = best_wavelets_list # Parameters to test when calibrating the denoising algorithm parameter_ranges = { 'sigma': sigma_range, 'wavelet': wavelet_list, 'mode': ['soft'], 'method': ['BayesShrink'], } # Partial function: _denoise_wavelet = partial(denoise_wavelet, **other_fixed_parameters) # Calibrate denoiser 1st pass: best_parameters = ( calibrate_denoiser( crop, _denoise_wavelet, mode=optimiser, denoise_parameters=parameter_ranges, interpolation_mode=jinv_interpolation_mode, max_num_evaluations=max_num_evaluations, blind_spots=blind_spots, display_images=display_images, ) | other_fixed_parameters ) # Next pass we optimise the mode and method: parameter_ranges = { 'sigma': [best_parameters['sigma']], 'wavelet': [best_parameters['wavelet']], # 'mode': ['soft', 'hard'], 'method': ['BayesShrink', 'VisuShrink'], } # Calibrate denoiser 2nd pass: best_parameters = ( calibrate_denoiser( crop, _denoise_wavelet, mode=optimiser, denoise_parameters=parameter_ranges, interpolation_mode=jinv_interpolation_mode, max_num_evaluations=max_num_evaluations, blind_spots=blind_spots, display_images=display_images, ) | other_fixed_parameters ) # Memory needed: memory_needed = image.nbytes * 3 # transform return denoise_wavelet, best_parameters, memory_needed
[docs]def denoise_wavelet( image: ArrayLike, wavelet: str = 'db1', sigma: float = None, mode: str = 'soft', method: str = 'BayesShrink', **kwargs, ): """ Denoises the given image using the scikit-image implementation of <a href=" "> wavelet</a> denoising. \n\n Note: we use the scikt-image implementation of wavelet denoising. Parameters ---------- image: ArrayLike Image to denoise wavelet : string, optional The type of wavelet to perform and can be any of the options ``pywt.wavelist`` outputs. The default is `'db1'`. For example, ``wavelet`` can be any of ``{'db2', 'haar', 'sym9'}`` and many more (see PyWavelets documentation). sigma : float or list, optional The noise standard deviation used when computing the wavelet detail coefficient threshold(s). When None (default), the noise standard deviation is estimated via the method in (2)_. mode : {'soft', 'hard'}, optional An optional argument to choose the type of denoising performed. It noted that choosing soft thresholding given additive noise finds the best approximation of the original image. method : {'BayesShrink', 'VisuShrink'}, optional Thresholding method to be used. The currently supported methods are "BayesShrink" (1)_ and "VisuShrink" (2)_. Defaults to "BayesShrink". kwargs : dict Any other parameters to be passed to scikit-image implementations Returns ------- Denoised image as ndarray """ # Convert image to float if needed: image = image.astype(dtype=numpy.float32, copy=False) return skimage_denoise_wavelet( image, wavelet=wavelet, sigma=sigma, mode=mode, method=method, **kwargs )