Source code for

Axis codes:
       'X' width, 'Y' height, 'S' sample, 'I' image series|page|plane,
       'Z' depth, 'C' color|em-wavelength|channel, 'E' ex-wavelength|lambda,
       'T' time, 'R' region|tile, 'A' angle, 'P' phase, 'H' lifetime,
       'L' exposure, 'V' event, 'Q' unknown, '_' missing

import os
import pathlib
import traceback
from contextlib import contextmanager
from os.path import exists
from pathlib import Path
import numpy
import skimage
import zarr
from czifile import czifile, CziFile
from nd2reader import ND2Reader
from numpy import array_equal
from tifffile import tifffile, TiffFile, memmap

from import is_zarr_storage, read_zarr_array
from aydin.util.log.log import lsection, lprint

[docs]def is_batch(code, shape, axes): """Method to check if given axis code belongs to a batch dimension. Parameters ---------- code : str shape : tuple axes : str Returns ------- bool """ # special case: if len(shape) == 3 and 'X' in axes and 'Y' in axes and 'I' == code: return False return code not in 'XYZTQC'
[docs]def is_channel(code, length): """Method to check if given axis code belongs to channel dimension. Parameters ---------- code : Returns ------- bool """ return code == "C" and not length > 8
[docs]class FileMetadata: """Metadata class used across aydin package. # TODO: make this docstring more detailed """ def __init__(self): self.is_folder = None self.extension = None self.axes = None self.shape = None self.dtype = None self.format = None self.batch_axes = None self.channel_axes = None self.other = None self.splitted = False def __str__(self) -> str: return f" is_folder={self.is_folder}, ext={self.extension}, axes={self.axes}, shape={self.shape}, batch_axes={self.batch_axes}, channel_axes={self.channel_axes}, dtype={self.dtype}, format={self.format} " def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, FileMetadata): return NotImplemented # don't attempt to compare against unrelated types return ( self.is_folder == other.is_folder and self.extension == other.extension and self.axes == other.axes and self.shape == other.shape and self.dtype == other.dtype and self.format == other.format and self.batch_axes == other.batch_axes and self.channel_axes == other.channel_axes and self.other == other.other )
[docs]def imread(input_path): """Image reading method. Method takes the image path as a string argument. Upon certain checks and decisions it returns the image array and its corresponding metadata. Parameters ---------- input_path : str Returns ------- tuple(numpy.typing.ArrayLike, FileMetadata) Returns tuple of (array, metadata). """ with lsection(f"Reading image file at: {input_path}"): metadata = FileMetadata() metadata.is_folder = os.path.isdir(input_path) metadata.extension = ((Path(input_path).suffix)[1:]).lower() is_tiff = 'tif' in metadata.extension or 'tiff' in metadata.extension is_czi = 'czi' in metadata.extension is_png = 'png' in metadata.extension is_jpg = 'jpg' in metadata.extension or 'jpeg' in metadata.extension is_zarr = 'zarr' in metadata.extension or is_zarr_storage(input_path) is_npy = 'npy' in metadata.extension is_npz = 'npz' in metadata.extension is_nd2 = 'nd2' in metadata.extension is_globlist = '*' in input_path try: if is_zarr: g =, mode='r') if isinstance(g, zarr.Array): lprint(f"Reading file {input_path} as ZARR array") if 'axes' in g.attrs: metadata.axes = g.attrs['axes'] else: # Then we treat it as dexp-convention zarr group lprint(f"Reading file {input_path} as ZARR group") nb_arrays = 0 for key in g.group_keys(): nb_arrays += 1 if 'axes' in g[key][key].attrs: metadata.axes = g.attrs['axes'] metadata.format = 'zarr' array = read_zarr_array(input_path) metadata.shape = array.shape metadata.dtype = array.dtype elif is_tiff: lprint(f"Reading file {input_path} as TIFF file") with TiffFile(input_path) as tif: if len(tif.series) >= 1: serie = tif.series[0] metadata.shape = serie.shape metadata.dtype = serie.dtype metadata.axes = serie.axes metadata.other = tif.imagej_metadata else: lprint(f'There is no series in file: {input_path}') metadata.format = 'tiff' array = tifffile.imread(input_path) elif is_czi: lprint(f"Reading file {input_path} as CZI file") with CziFile(input_path) as czi: metadata.format = 'czi' metadata.axes = czi.axes metadata.other = czi.metadata(raw=False) array = czifile.imread(input_path) metadata.shape = czi.shape metadata.dtype = czi.dtype elif is_png or is_jpg: lprint(f"Reading file {input_path} as PNG file") array = # We check if this is a gray level image: if len(array.shape) == 3: if array_equal(array[..., 0], array[..., 1]) and array_equal( array[..., 0], array[..., 2] ): # We keep the first channel only: array = array[..., 0] metadata.format = 'png' if is_png else 'jpg' metadata.shape = array.shape metadata.dtype = array.dtype if len(array.shape) == 2: metadata.axes = "YX" elif len(array.shape) == 3 and array.shape[-1] in (3, 4): metadata.axes = "YXC" elif len(array.shape) == 3: metadata.axes = "ZYX" elif len(array.shape) == 4 and array.shape[-1] in (3, 4): metadata.axes = "ZYXC" else: metadata.axes = "ZYXC" lprint( f"Warning: Can't interpret {'png' if is_png else 'jpg'} structure, might be incorrect!" ) elif is_npy: lprint(f"Reading file {input_path} as NPY file") array = numpy.load(input_path) metadata.format = 'npy' metadata.shape = array.shape metadata.dtype = array.dtype metadata.axes = ''.join(('Q',) * len(array.shape)) elif is_npz: lprint(f"Reading file {input_path} as NPZ file") data = numpy.load(input_path) lprint(data.files) # this could contain several arrays, we read the one with the most voxels (good heuristic): # We read the largest array: biggest_size = 0 for _file in data.files: _array = data[_file] size = numpy.size(_array) lprint( f"Reading array of name: {_file}, shape: {_array.shape}, and dtype: {_array.dtype}, size: {size}" ) if biggest_size < size: lprint("Bigger!") file = _file biggest_size = size array = _array # makse sure the array is 'clean': array = numpy.asarray(array) lprint( f"Selected array: name: {file}, shape: {array.shape}, and dtype: {array.dtype}" ) metadata.format = 'npz' metadata.shape = array.shape metadata.dtype = array.dtype metadata.axes = ('TZYX' + ''.join(('Q',) * len(array.shape)))[ 0 : array.ndim ] elif is_nd2: lprint(f"Reading file {input_path} as ND2 file") import pims n2image = ND2Reader(input_path) metadata.format = 'nd2' metadata.axes = ''.join(n2image.axes).upper() # TODO: check order! n2image.bundle_axes = n2image.axes array = numpy.asarray(n2image[0], dtype=metadata.dtype) metadata.shape = array.shape metadata.dtype = array.dtype elif is_globlist: lprint(f"Reading file {input_path} as file list") import pims array = pims.ImageSequence(input_path) metadata.format = 'globlist' metadata.shape = array.shape metadata.dtype = array.dtype metadata.axes = ('TZYX' + ''.join(('Q',) * len(array.shape)))[ 0 : array.ndim ] # elif is_folder: # from import io # # files = get_files_with_most_frequent_extension(input_path) # files.sort() # # imread = dask.delayed(io.imread, pure=True) # Lazy version of imread # # lazy_images = [ # imread(join(input_path, filename)) for filename in files # ] # Lazily evaluate imread on each path # # file_metadata = analyse(join(input_path, files[0])) # # arrays = [ # dask.array.from_delayed( # lazy_image, # Construct a small Dask array # dtype=file_metadata.dtype, # for every lazy value # shape=file_metadata.shape, # ) # for lazy_image in lazy_images # ] # # array = dask.array.stack(arrays, axis=0) # # metadata.format = 'folder-' + file_metadata.format # metadata.shape = array.shape # metadata.dtype = array.dtype # metadata.axes = 'Q' + file_metadata.axes # # metadata.array = array # # pass else: try: array = metadata.format = pathlib.Path(input_path).suffix metadata.shape = array.shape metadata.dtype = array.dtype metadata.axes = ('TZYX' + ''.join(('Q',) * len(array.shape)))[ 0 : array.ndim ] except Exception as error: lprint(error) lprint(traceback.format_exc()) lprint( f"Tried to open file {input_path} with skimage io but failed to obtain image." ) return None, None except Exception as error: lprint(error) lprint(traceback.format_exc()) lprint(f"Could not read file {input_path} !") return None, None if metadata.axes: metadata.batch_axes = tuple( is_batch(axis, metadata.shape, metadata.axes) for axis in metadata.axes ) metadata.channel_axes = tuple( is_channel(axis, s) for axis, s in zip(metadata.axes, metadata.shape) ) lprint(f"Metadata: {metadata}") _sync_array_with_metadata(array, metadata) return array, metadata
def _sync_array_with_metadata(array, metadata): # We need to check if the metadata matches what we actually get, otherwise we need to update it. # This can happen for tiff files that are multi-part. if metadata is not None and array is not None: if metadata.shape != array.shape: metadata.shape = array.shape if metadata.dtype != array.dtype: metadata.dtype = array.dtype
[docs]def imwrite(array, output_path, metadata=None, overwrite=True): """Image writing method. Parameters ---------- array : numpy.typing.ArrayLike output_path : str metadata : FileMetadata overwrite : bool """ if not overwrite and exists(output_path): return if "png" in output_path and ( len(array.shape) > 3 or (len(array.shape) == 3 and array.shape[-1] not in [3, 4]) ): lprint( "png images with more than 2 dimensions are not supported, will be writing the result as a tif" ) output_path = f"{output_path[:output_path.rfind('.')]}.tif" if output_path[-3:] == "tif": _write_tiff(output_path, array, metadata) else: try:, array) except Exception: # if fails for any reason we fallback to .tif format output_path = f"{output_path[:output_path.rfind('.')]}.tif" _write_tiff(output_path, array, metadata)
def _write_tiff(output_path, array, metadata): """Internal method to write .tiff files with given array and metadata. Parameters ---------- array : numpy.typing.ArrayLike output_path : str metadata : FileMetadata """ # We get the ij metadata: ijmetadata = None if metadata is None else metadata.other # Normalise to {}: ijmetadata = {} if ijmetadata is None else ijmetadata tifffile.imwrite(output_path, array, metadata=ijmetadata) @contextmanager def mapped_tiff(output_path, shape, dtype): """Mapped tiff context manager. Parameters ---------- output_path shape dtype Yields ------ """ array = memmap(output_path, shape=shape, dtype=dtype) try: yield array array.flush() finally: del array lprint( f"Flushing and writing all bytes to TIFF file {output_path} (shape={shape}, dtype={dtype})" )