Deconvolving an image using aydin API

One can use the following lines to deconvolve a single image with default options using our Object-Oriented denoising API.

from import LucyRichardson

lr = LucyRichardson(
     psf_kernel=psf_kernel, max_num_iterations=20, backend='scipy-cupy'

lr.train(noisy_and_blurred_image, noisy_and_blurred_image)

lr_deconvolved_image = lr.deconvolve(noisy_and_blurred_image)

One can also use the following lines to deconvolve a single image with default options using our procedural deconvolving endpoint.

from import lucyrichardson

lr_deconvolved_image = lucyrichardson(noisy_and_blurred_image)