.. ultrack ======= ultrack ======= ``ultrack`` is general purpose 2D/3D cell tracking software. It can track from segmentation masks or from raw images directly, specially fluorescence microscopy images. Four interfaces are provided, depending on your needs: - napari plugin - FIJI plugin - Python API - Command line interface for batch processing, including distributed computing. See below for additional details in each interface. Moreover, it was originally developed to terabyte-scale zebrafish embryo images where we had few 3D annotations. Hence, a few key features of ``ultrack`` are: - Out-of-memory storage of intermediate results. You should not run out of memory even for large datasets. We have tracked a 3TB dataset on a laptop with 64GB of RAM. - It does not commit to a single segmentation. Instead it considers multiple segmentations per cell and it picks the best segmentation for each cell at each time point while tracking. .. raw:: html Zebrafish imaged using `DaXi `_ whole embryo tracking. --------------- .. include:: quickstart.rst --------------- .. include:: install.rst --------------- .. include:: napari.rst --------------- .. include:: fiji.rst --------------- .. include:: getting_started.rst --------------- .. include:: examples.rst :end-line: 6 --------------- .. include:: optimizing.rst --------------- .. include:: configuration.rst --------------- .. include:: faq.rst --------------- .. include:: theory.rst --------------- Citing ------ If you use ``ultrack`` in your research, please cite the following papers, `the algorithm `_ and `the biological applications and software `_. .. code-block:: bibtex @article{bragantini2023ucmtracking, title={Large-Scale Multi-Hypotheses Cell Tracking Using Ultrametric Contours Maps}, author={Jordão Bragantini and Merlin Lange and Loïc Royer}, year={2023}, eprint={2308.04526}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } @article{bragantini2024ultrack, title={Ultrack: pushing the limits of cell tracking across biological scales}, author={Bragantini, Jordao and Theodoro, Ilan and Zhao, Xiang and Huijben, Teun APM and Hirata-Miyasaki, Eduardo and VijayKumar, Shruthi and Balasubramanian, Akilandeswari and Lao, Tiger and Agrawal, Richa and Xiao, Sheng and others}, journal={bioRxiv}, pages={2024--09}, year={2024}, publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory} } And the respective auxiliary methods (e.g. Cellpose, napari, etc) depending on your usage. Additional resources -------------------- .. [1] `Jacky Ko `_'s Ultrack cluster setup and documentation: https://github.com/jackyko1991/Ultrack-Cluster Documentation contents `````````````````````` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Basics: quickstart install napari fiji getting_started examples optimizing configuration faq theory .. toctree:: :caption: Reference: api cli rest_api